Episode 271: How a motorcycle saved filmmaker lori lozinski’s life

Episode 271: How a motorcycle saved filmmaker lori lozinski’s life

lori lozinski is an acclaimed producer who works closely with some of our industry’s leading directors to bring evocative stories to the screen (among them: Elle-Maija Tailfeathers and Kathleen Hepburn). lori is also the director of A Motorcycle Saved My Life, a documentary short that ruminates on mental health, the often complicated relationship between parent and child, and how to negotiate a relationship with grief. In A Motorcycle Saved My Life, we learn how lori hit the road on the back of a motorcycle to reconcile past and present, and ultimately find the inner peace required in order to move forward. As she says in the documentary, “If you’re not present on a motorcycle, you’re going to die.” It’s a powerful film, rich with nuance and emotional resonance, that gives voice to taboo subjects – grief and mental health – while also serving as a kind of love letter to bike life. A Motorcycle Saved My Life rode the film festival circuit and, on May 15, it became available for streaming on the National Film Board of Canada’s site. In this thoughtful interview, lori lozinski reflects on her journey with grief and mental health on the back of a motorcycle.

Episode 272: Marci T. House Returns

Episode 272: Marci T. House Returns

Episode 270: Dhirendra

Episode 270: Dhirendra