Episode 216: Why are some filmmakers calling for leadership change at Knowledge Network?

Episode 216: Why are some filmmakers calling for leadership change at Knowledge Network?

Knowledge Network is the public broadcaster in British Columbia. But what many in the public didn’t know until an equity audit laid it bare in February was that, in the past seven years, only 1.7% of the $2 million granted by Knowledge Network to filmmakers went to filmmakers of colour, and 0% went to Indigenous majority-owned companies. To put it in perspective, 1.7% of $2 million is only $34,000. Thus, a group of diverse independent filmmakers and BC residents recently launched a petition calling for new leadership at Knowledge Network so that it can, in their words, once again become “the people’s broadcaster, and the trusted repository of BC stories.” Documentarian Joella Cabalu joins Sabrina to talk about the situation at Knowledge Network and what it reveals about the status of white supremacy in BC film.

 Episode 217: Gabrielle Rose and Camille Sullivan

Episode 217: Gabrielle Rose and Camille Sullivan

Episode 215: Kathleen Robertson

Episode 215: Kathleen Robertson